Mindfulness Through Nature (Sit Spots) Lesson Plan

Exciting and new age Home Schooling Lesson Plans and Activities that

help inspire todays youth

to enjoy learning and education!


Mindfulness Through Nature (Sit Spots) Lesson Plan


What is


Simply put, mindfulness is living in the now, or in the present.

When we are mindful, we become aware and conscious of things around us and within us.


What are

Nature Sit Spots?

Taking regular time out in nature at a chosen spot to

Simply be.

Mindfulness Through Nature (Sit Spots) Lesson Plan: Mount Feathertop

Raising our awareness.


Why do we need Mindfulness?


Ever feel like you are swimming against the current?

Like the goalposts are constantly changing?


Ever feel like you are swimming against the current?

Like the goalposts are constantly changing?




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Mindfulness Through Nature (Sit Spots) Lesson Plan | Wild Incursions

Mindfulness Through Nature (Sit Spots) Lesson Plan | Wild Incursions

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NOTE: Our $20 Lesson Plans are a brief ‘few page’ lesson outlines for teachers and students to facilitate. Our $50 E-lessons, on the other hand. are 15-20 page interactive and extended lesson/ subject plans that students can engage with on their own




Do you get the feeling more and more that the

mental health

of yourself and the planet is hanging by a


Mindfulness Through Nature (Sit Spots) Lesson Plan | Wild Incursions


Keeping up with this world can be down right


So many people are suffering from


& depression



mindfulness activities

has been shown to help manage life’s challenges


to help us to

come home to ourselves.


The Australian Bureau of Statistics has reported that:

Mindfulness Through Nature (Sit Spots) Lesson Plan | Wild Incursions

Mindfulness Through Nature (Sit Spots) Lesson Plan | Wild Incursions


This is the reason we developed this Lesson Plan!

Use the power ofMindfulness Through Nature (Sit Spots) Lesson Plan | Wild IncursionsSIT SPOTS

to help develop and raise mindfulness

of our students and children.


Here is a quick view of the Lesson Plan below:


Mindfulness Through Nature (Sit Spots) Lesson Plan



Below is a quick video rundown of what the extended E-Lesson contains:



The University of Essex stated in a study that:  

‘Just five minutes’

“green exercise”

can produce rapid improvements in mental wellbeing, self-esteem and mindfulness with the greatest benefits experienced by the young’




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Mindfulness Through Nature (Sit Spots) Lesson Plan | Wild Incursions

Mindfulness Through Nature (Sit Spots) Lesson Plan | Wild Incursions

If the link above fails – please try this link

NOTE: Our $20 Lesson Plans are a brief ‘few page’ lesson outlines for teachers and students to facilitate. Our $50 E-lessons, on the other hand. are 15-20 page interactive and extended lesson/ subject plans that students can engage with on their own.


Lesson Plan contents:

  • Brief 4 page Lesson Plan

  • Mindfulness theory and video

  • Sit Spot main activity and lead in activities

  • Main activity brief and debrief idea’s

  • Desired outcome, success criteria and resources required

  • Mindful Reflection Sheet

  • Teachers/ Parents Guide with further information



Mindfulness through nature is an insightful teaching resource in a range of general curriculum areas including:
Environmental Science
Outdoor Education
Australian History
Arts and Media
This e-lesson does tie into many relevant study areas, units of study and/or Key Knowledge areas in many curriculums. It ties into the sustainability cross-curriculum priority in the Australian Curriculum. More specifically, the years 7-10 Band descriptions of:
Students learn to critically analyse and apply health and physical activity information to devise and implement personalised plans for maintaining healthy and active habits. They also experience different roles that contribute to successful participation in physical activity and propose strategies to support the development of preventive health practices that build and optimise community health and wellbeing.
Personal, Social and Community Health Content Descriptors: Being healthy, safe and active
Investigate and select strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing.
The topics covered in this guide also covers the ‘Focus areas’ to be addressed in Years 9 and 10 including:
• health benefits of physical activity (HBPA)
• mental health and wellbeing (MH)
State Curriculum example – the Victorian Curriculum:
The Victorian Curriculum P-10 has the following ‘focus area’:
Challenge and adventure activities addresses how individuals participate in a variety of physical activities designed to challenge them physiologically, behaviourally, and socially in diverse contexts and environments.
Challenge and adventure activities include initiative games, movement challenges (as individuals and in teams or groups), recreational activities in natural and outdoor settings and navigational challenges.
With access to specialised facilities and equipment and relevant teacher expertise, these activities can also include bushwalking, camping/ bushcraft, initiatives, biathlon and triathlon, martial arts, rock climbing, canoeing and kayaking, mountain biking, BMX, road and track cycling, surfing, skiing, and swimming for performance.
There are many links to Units 1-4 of Outdoor & Environment Studies (especially Unit 3&4). The following link is the 2018-2022 VCE OES Study Design. https://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/Documents/vce/outdoor/2018OutdoorEnviroStdsSD.pdf
The nature connection content, material and films also fit well into the following Key Knowledge:
Unit 1, Outcome 1 • the range of differing personal responses to outdoor environments, such as fear, appreciation, awe and contemplation
Unit 1, Outcome 1 • a variety of ways in which people know, experience, and respond to outdoor environments: – as a resource, for recreation and adventure, spiritual connection and as a study site – through experiential knowledge, environmental history, and ecological, social and economic perspectives.